A quiz is a game which can also be called a mind sport wherein the players, either as individuals or in teams attempt to answer questions posed to them correctly, in order to win a prize. We designed these to promote, a fun way of study and help in the process of improving one’s general knowledge. On account of Engineers day celebration department wise technical Quiz Competition organized by Co-Curricular committee in association with Student Chapter of Indian Society of Technical Education
Screening Round
- Each team would be given a set of question papers containing 15 objective type questions
- Time limit – 15 minutes
- Only Qualified Teams would be selected for STAGE ROUNDS
- In case of tie between 2 or more teams, further 3 questions would be asked for final selection
Stage Rounds
First Round (Lap Round)
- Each team would be asked 5 questions. (Objective question)
- 10 marks for correct answer, and no negative marking for wrong answer
- If a team cannot answer the question, then the question would be forwarded to the next team (NO TIME)
- Only 6 teams would be selected for the 2nd Round
- Answering time is only 30 seconds
Second Round (Audio-visual round)
- This Round would be the Audio-visual round
- 10 marks for the correct answer and no negative marking for wrong answer
- Each Team would be asked 2 audio-visual questions
- Audio-Visual played for 60 seconds and answering time is only 30 seconds
- If a team cannot answer the question, than the question would be forwarded to the next team
- This round is not elimination round
Third Round (Picture Identify)
- This Round would be Picture Identify Round
- 10 marks for the correct answer and negative 5 marks for the wrong or no answer
- Answering time is only 30 seconds
- 3 teams are to be selected for the final round
Final Round (Rapid Fire)
- Each team will give 5 questions to answer within the time limit of 50 seconds
- 10 marks for the correct answer and negative 5 marks for the wrong or no answer
- Question will be changed for every 10 seconds
- 2 teams are to be selected as Winners and Runners